To order: Elite Merchandise Order Form We accept checks or credit cards for orders that will be shipped. There is a $5 shipping fee per shirt (other items will vary). Checks must be received before the items will be shipped. Credit card orders will ship within 4 days. Cash or credit cards are accepted for items you are picking up at our terminal in Denver, PA during regular office hours (M-F 8-5). Please call us at 717-484-6001 and choose option 1 to speak to someone during office hours. At this time, you will need to call us with your credit card number. For your security, please do NOT email us credit card numbers.
You can also send us an email with the quantity of each size you would like to Shop ESI . Please be sure to include your contact information, including an address and phone number.
We will be adding more items here in the next few weeks. Please check back here and follow us on Facebook or Twitter for updates!